Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to filter and sort the Spreadsheet of Pockets

Now that the Spreadsheet of Pockets has a few more entries, you may want to sort it or filter it instead of just scrolling through.   The way to do this is to click on the funnel near the upper left-hand corner (it's just right of the print icon).  This creates a temporary "filter view" that lets you sort and filter without affecting the viewing of other users.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pocket reviews: new pants entries in the Spreadsheet of Pockets from my own closet with some commentary

I'm adding all of my newer pocketed purchases from the last year to the Spreadsheet of Pockets.  I'm going to write up a bit of commentary on the latest entries (rows 2-7).

My favorite in these rows is the striped slim fit jeans I got from Duluth Trading Company.  These were hearty pockets that I don't even want to modify.  I bought a size that just barely fit (they were on clearance and the last size left that was close), but next time I need pants I will be looking at theirs.

Many Eddie Bauer pants happily have curvy fit versions that actually fit me without tailoring or gaping around the waist.  This is a minor miracle.  Yet, they still have merely decent pockets that leave me plotting to cut the bottoms off to add a deeper pocket bag.  (But I'm lazy, so it hasn't happened yet.)  Yeah, they're sort of slacks, but one pair was TRAVEL pants.  It's baffling to me that an ostensibly outdoorsy company can't make their travel pants have fully satisfying pockets.  They just need a few more inches in the pocket bag to be as good as the Duluth Trading Co. jeans.  Oh well!

Old Navy Pixie Pants I probably wouldn't have tried but I needed yellow slim pants for a Halloween costume.  They also happened to have a linen version on sale so I bought that too as I have found every linen thing I've bought to be so nice and cool for biking and gardening and existing outside.  The pockets are awful and all need modification.  (The linen was great, though, and will be a favorite once I fix the pockets.)  The end.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Pockets around the web: "Women's Pockets are Inferior": an essay with DATA

Last year several of my friends and family sent me this amazing data-filled article giving very telling visuals of the inadequacies of women's pockets.  They sampled 20 popular US blue jean brands with a sample size of 80.  It is just as relevant today as it was last year.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The measurements in the Spreadsheet of Pockets

I have created a diagram to illustrate what I have in mind for measurements in the Spreadsheet of Pockets.  These illustrations assume you are looking at the front part of the pants (or skirt or dress).  I have put five common pocket shapes plus an "other" so you can see how you would estimate for a pocket with a different shape.  If it's a super wild pocket shaped like a circle or star or something, the idea is to go for the functional space.  Please submit your own measurements too and let me know via email or in the comments if you have questions!